mercoledì 13 maggio 2015

David Lachapelle's "After The Flood" Exhibition in Rome! (eng-it)

Today I went to the Palazzo delle Esposizioni to see David Lachapelle, back in Rome after about 15 years with a new exhibition entitled "After the flood."

Me inside the Exhibition 
The photos are really impressing. How is the land After The Flood. I dare say a sort of great flood since the wide use of religious themes.
At the entrance there were portrait under water, and going up to the first floor there were the most famous portraits. I thought there were many more pictures (the photos not included in the exhibition can be found as a postcard in the bookshop) but maybe that's me, I just don't have enough xD 

The photo that I expected more of all to see was "Archangel Michael: And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer" made in 2009. It represents Michael Jackson as the Archangel Michael with his hands in prayer, treading on the devil. 
I din't had great expectations... but GIGANTIC about this photo xD Well... the photo was tiny. 

Why put a picture so small for a such great meaning?
Ok, yes. the theme is different (The Flood) but... we're talking about Michael Jackson ç_ç David Lachapelle loves and admire Michael Jackson!

(NOTA ITA: per chi non lo sapesse la persona ritratta non è Michael Jackson. DLINDLON so che per qualcuno sarà un trauma xD ma è un sosia, e si chiama Carlo Riley, è il sosia più somigliante che ci sia. Il viso è stato comunque ritoccato, perché la foto è datata 2009 mentre le sembianze del volto ricordano quelle del 1988 Bad Era) I'll rewrite in English: in the picture is Carlo Riley.

I was short time in front of this picture, already felt the tears coming down...

This picture is bad because only at the end of the exhibition I found that, coincidentally, I COULDN'T TAKE PHOTOS ç_ç I have taken some before anyway xD

Il manifesto ufficiale posto sul retro del Palazzo delle Esposizioni. Ho chiesto come mai proprio sul retro, e mi è stato risposto dalla sicurezza che evidentemente i responsabili non devono amare molto Michael Jackson... e che ovviamente non ci capiscono niente. :) Ho adorato quel signore!

official poster of the exhibition! Michael *.*

martedì 12 maggio 2015

Festival dell'Oriente (a late post!)

Hello peopleeeeee! Long time no see yeee? xD LOL
This time I want to talk about... The Festival of the East! (Festival dell'Oriente) Yeah!
Needless to say I asked some opinions, they have all told me that I should not go there because I would have absolutely lost time, that it was boring, nothing to do with the really "Atmosphere of the East"... but as usual I've done my own thing... and I was right!! Because I had lots of fun!
We start from the fact that it was focused on the Orient in general, then India (especially), China, Tibet, Japan etc etc...
So in one of the halls (I can't remember what was sorry but there were 3 or 4 halls in total) there was a stage where every day there were traditional songs and dances. I remember especially the belly dancing, dance Odissi, ikebana (the Japanese art of arranging cut flowers), the shaman who made us do the dance of happiness, and the tea ceremony (which I photographed, scroll down to see the photos!) 

We entered in the hall of the Oriental Bazaar, where I could taste the typical food of Tibet and Morocco and where I bought three types of fabulous tea (my favorite is apple and kiwi, what I will do when it ends?!)
Going further down I will describe all the pictures ... the post is not finished!

The mandala of peace handmade by Tibetan monks. Let me tell you the story xD we arrived late to the breaking of the mandala and there were too many people in line (when it breaks mixes and give the powder)
Earlier in the middle of the twenty-plus stalls singing bowls stands we saw a gentleman who, with his ability, convinced us to buy three of them for each chakra (before you criticize us... we know how to use the singing bowls! XD) we picked up the dust just one for all, when suddenly arrives the seller of the bells that greets us and says "you want more dust?" enters the stand to help monks and fills us with other 4 sachets. I loved it.

These are the singing bowls :)

He was spinning xD

Teaaaa *çç*

So after I ate the tibetan food, bought handmade singing bowls, incense, tea, as well as a new rose quartz (quartz is my stone) to bring along.
There were two full and beautiful days, there was an atmosphere of peace in there... it will have been all that incense? :D
That's me :-P I hope you like it!