Una decina di giorni fa, assieme alla mia famiglia, abbiamo pensato di visitare il Frantoio Volpicelli.
Per produrre il loro olio utilizzano ancora le tecniche dell'antica tradizione, ovvero la spremitura a freddo (o pressione dolce) tramite macine di pietra.
Le olive fresche vengono lavate e private del nocciolo e delle foglie e tritate, la pasta di olive viene disposta su cerchi che vengono poi schiacciati da un torchio che raccoglie tutto l'olio e lo trasferisce in bottiglie di latta, pronte al consumo. Quest'anno il tempo è stato buono e l'olio ha acidità 0, oltretutto è di un bel colore verde brillante.
Si vede che non so cosa scrivere.... hahhahahaha xD però assistere alla preparazione è stato divertente, infatti ho scritto principalmente per postare le foto *w* ah e l'olio è delizioso!
Ecco le foto <3
Preparazione della pasta di olive
Ten days ago, me and my family, we decided to visit the Frantoio Volpicelli.
To produce their oil they still use the techniques of ancient tradition, the cold pressing by millstones.
Fresh olives are washed and private of core and leaves then chopped, the olive paste is arranged on circles which are then crushed by a press that gather all the oil and transfers it in tin bottles, ready for consumption. This year the weather was good and the oil has 0 acidity, moreover, it is a beautiful bright green color.
You see that I don't know what to write.... hahhahahaha xD But it was fun to watch the preparation, in fact I wrote mainly for post photos *w* uh, the oil is delicious by the way!
Here are the pictures <3
Ten days ago, me and my family, we decided to visit the Frantoio Volpicelli.
To produce their oil they still use the techniques of ancient tradition, the cold pressing by millstones.
Fresh olives are washed and private of core and leaves then chopped, the olive paste is arranged on circles which are then crushed by a press that gather all the oil and transfers it in tin bottles, ready for consumption. This year the weather was good and the oil has 0 acidity, moreover, it is a beautiful bright green color.
You see that I don't know what to write.... hahhahahaha xD But it was fun to watch the preparation, in fact I wrote mainly for post photos *w* uh, the oil is delicious by the way!
Here are the pictures <3
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